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작성자 사진: Dr.Minji KimDr.Minji Kim

I would like to emphasize the significance of providing support to those who are struggling with depression. This mental health condition is intricate and can pose substantial challenges to individuals attempting to manage it alone.

If you are aware of someone who is grappling with depression, it is important to understand that your support can be instrumental in making a difference. Simply lending an ear to listen, offering words of kindness, or spending quality time with them can foster a sense of solace and connection.

Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize that depression is not a personal inadequacy or deficiency, but rather a medical condition that necessitates professional assistance and support. If you or anyone you know exhibits symptoms of depression, it is imperative to seek the help of a mental health professional.

Bear in mind that there is always hope, and with appropriate support and treatment, depression can be managed and overcome.

Let us work together to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health and promote a more compassionate and supportive environment for everyone.


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임상 심리학자로서, 종종 간과되는 우울증의 신체적 증상에 대해 알려드리고자 합니다. 우울증은 단순히 정신 건강 상태가 아닌 우리의 신체에도 영향을 미칠 수 있는 것을 인식하는 것이 중요합니다. 다음은 여러분이 경험할 수 있는 여섯 가지 흔한...


Dr. Minji Kim's Clinical Psychology 

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